Can you imagine the stress of the ice cube getting to a drink? The stress between solid and liquid, between life and dead, between lame and cool!
So that’s what this game is about: about staying cool. And about getting through all the tricky levels before you. Sometimes you’ll have to think twice before you move, sometimes just have to swipe at the right time. For sure you'll have to adapt your style to the variety of traps and game mechanics in Melt Away.
If you this sounds too easy for you, try to get to the 100%. Every level has three cherries to dress your play, and getting them is going to be a real challenge!
So, think twice, move fast, and keep cool!
→ Dozens of levels
→ Puzzles meet action
→ Simple controls
Bisakah Anda bayangkan tekanan dari es batu untuk minum? Stres antara padat dan cair, antara hidup dan mati, antara lumpuh dan dingin!
Jadi itulah tujuan game ini: tentang tetap tenang. Dan tentang melewati semua level rumit sebelum Anda. Terkadang Anda harus berpikir dua kali sebelum bergerak, terkadang hanya perlu menggesek pada waktu yang tepat. Pasti Anda harus menyesuaikan gaya Anda dengan berbagai jebakan dan mekanik game di Melt Away.
Jika ini kedengarannya terlalu mudah bagi Anda, cobalah untuk mencapai 100%. Setiap level memiliki tiga buah ceri untuk mendandani permainan Anda, dan mendapatkannya akan menjadi tantangan nyata!
Jadi, pikirkan dua kali, bergerak cepat, dan tetap tenang!
→ Lusinan level
→ Puzzle bertemu aksi
→ Kontrol sederhana